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Exclusive Performance Network with the highest EPC in the industry

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Consolidated affiliate marketing that caters to your needs

Guppyads works closely with our affiliates to understand goals and increase your ROI. With over 20 years of experience in multiple affiliate industries our team will win your business by obtaining you the highest EPC, best customer service and of course a friendly team of seasoned marketers.

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About Guppyads

We are the leaders in online dating affiliate marketing. There is no reason to look further, at Guppyads we will make you rich. Our customizable optimization platform allows us to yield the highest EPCs in the industry. We specialize in PPC, search engine, display and email marketing offers.

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Our Technology

Real Time Analytics - Publishers have access to our dynamic platform that provides analytics, tracking and management of campaign performance.

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Our Technology

24/7 Affiliate support. Our team is available 24/7 for all your affiliate needs, concerns and questions.

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Join the leading performance network in the world. Join Guppyads and start making mad cash today

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13 Billion Impressions

Let our affiliate managers help you maximize your traffic and experience the difference.

World leader in performance marketing



Stop leaving money on the table with performance networks that don't efficiently monetize your international traffic.

Smart Link

We will redirect your traffic to the correct offer based on targeting on Geo, device, etc. This will help to utilize the traffic and obtain the highest EPC.

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Next Level Affiliate Support

Please ask for anything as our staff is yours. From custom reports to white label sites, we did it all. No request is too BIG!!!!!

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